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Build Instructions

This is the documentation page with instructions on how to assemble your Gugusse Compact with the Gugusse 3.1 PCB. The files you'll need to 3D print and the supporting files for the PCB are located on the List Of Materials page.


You'll need two Turntables to feed and takeup film. Detailed build instructions below.

Detailed Build Instructions: turntablebuildv5.pdf

Main Base

The Main Base is the heart of the Gugusse Compact. Detailed build instructions below. Also below, is a template to print guidelines for the diffuser filters. These instructions are to be used with the Gugusse 3.1 PCB.

Detailed Build Instructions: compactmainbase_1.2.pdf

Filter Template for Laser Printer: gugussefilterv2.pdf

Layout Instructions

This document shows how to put the various parts together so you can start using your Gugusse Compact.

Detailed Layout Instructions: gugusse_roller_layout_1_3.pdf

Legacy Instructions:

With a multimeter it's easy to figure out if two of the wires are of the same phase, it's when you can mesure a resistance value between them (at the condition that it is a 4 wires stepper motor. As long as you have the 2 phases connected it's not a big issue if the rotation is inverted as you can change its direction in the file hardwarecfg.json with the obvious setting “invert”, one for each of the 3 motors.

build_instructions.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/13 16:55 by al